Cylinder of the Month

See also the  Cylinders of the Month Archive.

Cal Stewart as Uncle Josh extracts humor in his 1909 skit Uncle Josh at the Dentist's.

Uncle Josh at the Dentist's

Company Edison's National Phonograph Company
Cylinder # 10131
Category Talking
Title Uncle Josh at the Dentist's
Performed by Cal Stewart & Len Spencer
Circa May 1909
Announcement None

Cal Stewart's famous Uncle Josh character grew from primarily monolog specialties through the 1890's into more collaborative skits in the 1900's.   Here Len Spencer and sound effects accompany Uncle Josh's oral misadventure.

To hear Uncle Josh at the Dentist's   —

For help playing these sounds, click here.

10131   Uncle Josh at the Dentist's Cal Stewart and Len Spencer
    Another of Mr. Stewart's original Rube sketches.   Mr. Stewart has no rival in Records of this kind, but Mr. Spencer is a close second in making successful talking Records.   Together they make a great combination.   Hear this Record and you can't help agree with this statement.
— March 1909 Edison Phonograph Monthly [announcing the May records]

Interested in hearing other wax cylinder "Rube" sketches with Cal Stewart (Uncle Josh) or Len Spencer?

Key Title Category Performed by Circa
07/2012 The Arkansas Traveler Descriptive talk Len Spencer & George Schweinfest 1902
11/2007 Hickory Bill Talking & banjo Len Spencer & Fred Van Epps 1907
03/2014 Uncle Josh at the Weather Bureau Funny talk Cal Stewart 1898
03/2010 Uncle Josh in Society Funny talk Cal Stewart 1899
03/1998 Uncle Josh's Letter From Home Talking Cal Stewart 1909


To hear other examples of wax cylinders, see the

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