Dedicated to the preservation of early recorded sounds
Early Recorded Sounds & Wax Cylinders
Explore early sound recording methods, two-minute wax cylinder records
and antique phonographs; see plenty of rare vintage photos;
and enjoy listening to early recorded sounds taken directly from the original wax cylinders.
Cylinder of the Month
Listen to a complete two-minute wax cylinder recording
a "new" cylinder every month.
For September:
From 1905, a late concert cylinder recording
of the comic song, Everybody Works But Father, sung by Bob Roberts.
Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana (Violin imitation) 1907
(Chopin) Nocturne (Piano solo) 1898
Mandy and Her Man (Vaudeville sketch) 1906
The Girl I Left Behind Me Medley (Fife & drum) 1903
Casey as Umpire at a Ball Game (Humorous talking) 1898
King Cotton March (Band) 1896
See also the archive.
Thomas Edison Commemorative
An 1878 Recording
Want a primitive recording?
Try this experimental sound recording from 1878:
The world's earliest playable phonograph recording
still audible today after more than 140 years . . .
Tinfoil Resource Center
Locate answers, resources,
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An antique phonograph and early sound recordings answer desk.