Tinfoil Resource Center
Where can I buy . . . ?
Where can I buy antique phonographs and cylinder records?
There are many sources, including
- Collectors Please contact me and I will try to put you in touch with interested collectors.
- Antique Shows. The biggest shows focused primarily on phonographs and records are
- West-coast
- Mid-west, Mid-east
- Antique Music Box Swap and Sale,
Avon, Ohio a one-day show held annually, in June.
- Union Show,
Union, Illinois (about 50 miles West of Chicago)
a two-day show held annually over the second full weekend in June.
- East-coast
- Auctions See Where can I sell my old phonographs and records? for
a list of auction establishments.
- Estate sales
- Antique shops Expect to generally pay a high mark-up.
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Where can I get my antique phonograph repaired and buy accessories?
There are several reputable dealers of antique phonograph accessories,
and many also do repair work.
Here is a short list (not an endorsement).
Steve Ford, Remembering Time
7600 NW 15th Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98665
Telephone: 360/699-7173
Website: www.remembering-time.com/
Email: rememberingtimerepairs@comcast.net
Dwayne Wyatt's Musical Americana
P.O. Box 601
Lakeport, CA 95453
Telephone: 707/263-5013
Website: www.wyattsmusical.com/
Ron Haring, "the Victrola Man"
17024 Frazier Road
Plano, IL 60545
Telephone: 630/552-1558 (CST)
Email: victrolman@aol.com
Dennis & Patti Valente
Antique Phonograph Supply Co.
Route 23, P.O. Box 123
Davenport Center, NY 13751
Telephone: 607/278-6218
Website: www.antiquephono.com
Email: apsco@antiquephono.com
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Where can I buy early sound recordings transferred onto CDs?
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Where can I buy books on antique phonographs and records?
Allen Koenigsberg, author, collector and publisher of matters phonographic,
carries a fine catalog of resources from books to posters.
You can reach Allen at:
Allen Koenigsberg
502 E. 17th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Telephone: 718/941-6835
Fax: 718/941-1408
Website: http://members.aol.com/allenamet/PhonoBooks.html
Email: AllenAmet@aol.com
See also
the Tinfoil.com Cylinder Music Shop catalog for related materials.
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