From 1904, a comedy sketch by Len Spencer, Clancy's Prize Waltz Contest.
A giant of the early sound recording industry, Len Spencer
began his recording career with the Columbia Phonograph Company in its early
years in
In Edison's (January 1904 issue of Edison Phonograph Monthly) bulletin to his dealers, Clancy's Prize Waltz Contest was described as follows:
No. 8604, "Clancy's Prize Waltz Contest", is a tale of a Bowery dance hall by LenSpencer. It introduces typical Bowery characters and orchestramusic. Clancy offers a De Barrios diamond ring for the best lady dancer and a meerschaum cigarette holder for the best "gent" dancer, and it is announced that Clancy's only interest in the dance is the sale of the"booze". The dance begins to the music of "My Little Coney Isle", when word comes up from below that the bar is doing"nottin'". The orchestra is instructed to play that "t'irsty" music,"de Wurzburger". The prizes are awarded to the lady with the red hat, the green veil, and the pink shirtwaist, and to the "gent" with the derby hat and the linen duster. One of Mr. Spencer's best Records.
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