Cylinder of the Month

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From 1905, the sentimental ballad, When the Evening Breeze is Sighing Home, Sweet Home performed by the Edison Quartette.

When the Evening Breeze is Sighing Home, Sweet Home

Company Edison's National Phonograph Company
Cylinder # 9144
Category Quartette
Title When the Evening Breeze is Sighing Home, Sweet Home
Performed by Edison Male Quartette
Circa May 1903
Announcement "When the Evening Breeze is Sighing Home, Sweet Home, by the Edison Quartette."

Enjoy this month's classic sentimental song evoking warm memories of home.

To hear When the Evening Breeze is Sighing Home, Sweet Home  

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    No. 9144, "When the Evening Breeze is Sighing Home, Sweet Home," by the Edison Male Quartette, is a charming descriptive ballad given in quartette form, effectively arranged, and sung with orchestra accompaniment with the same blending of voices and artistic style that have made the Records of this quartette so popular.   The words of the refrain follow:

And the breezes still are sighing as they sighed that summer's eve,
  When through the world I started forth to roam;
And it seems that I can hear the Mother's voice to me so dear,
  When the evening breeze is sighing "Home, Sweet Home."

— October 1905 Edison Phonograph Monthly [announcing the November records]


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