Cylinder of the Month

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A rare recording by a somewhat mysterious French bass of the "Drum Major's Air" from the opera Le Caid.

Le Caid - Air du tambour major
Company Columbia Phonograph Company
Cylinder # 25911
Category Bass
Title Le Caid - Air du tambour major
Performed by Mr. Bertram
Circa 1902-1903
Announcement "Le Caïd - Air du tambour major, chanté par Monsieur Bertram, lauréat du Conservatoire de Paris.  Cylindre Columbia".

("Le Caid - The drum major's air, sung by Mr. Bertram, Prize-winner of the academy of Paris.  Columbia record.")


One of only a few extant recordings by a fine French bass being identified as Mr. Bertram.   Not to be confused with the German singer of the period, Theodor Bertram, this is likely a pseudonym taken, for unclear reasons, by the widely recorded bass Paul Aumonier.   Here "Mr. Bertram" performs the popular aria from Ambroise Thomas' two-act comic opera Le Caid.

Premiering in 1849, Le Caid is a parody on Rossini's opera l'italiana in Algeri, and it is said that Rossini himself saw Le Caid and enjoyed the parody.

To hear Le Caid - Air du tambour major  

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Many thanks to Maxime Verrando for assisting with the transcribing and translation of this recording's announceent.


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