Cylinder of the Month

See also the  Cylinders of the Month Archive.

An early song on the power of positive thinking – from 1908, Don't Worry sung by Reed Miller & Reinald Werrenrath.

Don't Worry
Company Edison's National Phonograph Company
Cylinder # 9751
Category Duet
Title Don't Worry
Performed by Reed Miller & Reinald Werrenrath
Circa February 1908
Announcement "Don't Worry, sung by Miller and Werrenrath.  Edison record."

An enjoyable early recording in the "Don't Worry, Be Happy" vein written by Ed Rose & Ted Snyder.

This cylinder features an early recording by Reinald Werrenrath who had a successful 20 year singing and recording career, here teamed up with long-time singing-partner-to-be Reed Miller.   Although they later recorded dozens of selections for Victor records, they produced just 2 two-minute wax cylinders for Edison.

To hear Don't Worry   —

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9751   Don't Worry Miller & Werrenrath
    One of the latest and best march ballads of the "Honey Boy" [a popular song by Jack Norworth & Albert Von Tilzer, released by Edison in November 1907] class, sung by the same artists.   In the verse the composer suggests a quarrel or disagreement between two lovers, and the chorus tells how a reconciliation was affected:

      Don't worry, smile on, dearie, and the world will smile with you.
      Don't worry, just be happy, for it may not all be true;
      Good times are coming, dearie, see the skies above are clear,
      And the sun will shine to-morrow,
      Don't worry, dear.

    Our Record of the song is quite equal in every way to "Honey Boy," which achieved such remarkable popularity.   Orchestra accompaniment.   Words and music, Rose & Snyder; publishers, New York.
— December 1907 Edison Phonograph Monthly [announcing the February records]

— This cylinder is is from the collection of Chesley Young —


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