Cylinder of the Month

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A rare early recording of In the Good Old Summer Time by William Redmond.

In the Good Old Summer Time

Company Edison's National Phonograph Company
Cylinder # 8118 (5" diameter)
Category Song
Title In the Good Old Summer Time
Performed by William Redmond
Circa September 1902
Announcement "In the Good Old Summer Time, sung by Mr. William Redmond.  Edison record."

William Redmond recorded just a handful of songs for Edison in 1902 and one final selection (another 'summer' waltz song) in 1904.   Redmond's voice had a unique quality which the Edison Phonograph Monthly described as lending "itself admirably to this character of [Summer time] song."   Most of his songs were later covered by artists such as Billy Murray.

Sheet music to In the Good Old Summer Time, 1902.
Sheet music to In the Good Old Summer Time written by Ren Shields and George Evans in 1902.
Presented courtesy of the Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music.

Trivia question: How many verses were originally written for In the Good Old Summer Time??

See the last page of the sheet music, or hover over the right yellowed box, for lyricist Ren Shields' answer.


To hear In the Good Old Summer Time  —

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Accompaniment Wars

The piano was the typical instrument of choice for accompaniment in most musical records of the 1890s and early 1900s.   If a producer splurged and included orchestra accompaniment in a recording, that fact would often be cause for special advertising.   By 1903, the major record companies were featuring more recordings with orchestra accompaniment.   And in 1904, Edison staked his claim for 'all orchestra, all the time' –


The use of piano for accompanying songs has now become a thing of the past with the making of Edison Gold Moulded Records.   Occasionally it may be found necessary on account of the peculiar composition of a song to have it sung with piano accompaniment, but such occasions will be rare.   The use of an orchestra or band for accompaniments makes a Record of unusual richness and brilliancy, and adds greatly to its value.   To have a full-sized orchestra or band play simply the accompaniment to a singer means much in the way of expense and trouble, but neither expense nor trouble will be allowed to stand in the way of more emphatically emphasizing the superiority of Edison Gold Moulded Records.
— December 1903 Edison Phonograph Monthly


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