Cylinder of the Month

See also the  Cylinders of the Month Archive.

From 1909, the snappy tune Our Victorious Nation March as played by the New York Military Band.

Our Victorious Nation March

Company Edison's National Phonograph Company
Cylinder # 10196
Category Band
Title Our Victorious Nation March
Performed by New York Military Band
Circa August 1909
Announcement None

10196   Our Victorious Nation March New York Military Band
A stirring march which echoes strains of our national airs, a feature that ever appeals to the typical American.   The air is bright and snappy.   Just the kind to keep the feet a-going while the Record is being played.   Composer, J. Lincoln; publishers, Vandersloot Music Publishing Co., Williamsport, Pa.
— From the June 1909 Edison Phonograph Monthly

To hear Our Victorious Nation March   —


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Edison's National Phonograph Company "band" recordings evolved from its initial, generally snappy, recordings by the Peerless Orchestra (Early 1899 through mid-1903) into a military band style.   Recordings by the new Edison Military band were first released in October 1903.   The band's name was changed to the New York Military Band in October 1908.

In summary  (Edison selection numbers are in brackets):

   Peerless Orchestra      Early 1899 [#670]    - June 1903 [#8414]
   Edison Military Band    October 1903 [#8500] - September 1908 [#9947, plus #10031 in December]
   New York Military Band  October 1908 [#9948] - beyond the end of the wax cylinder era (1912)


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