Cylinder of the Month

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From 1897, George J. Gaskin sings It Don't Seem Like the Same Old Smile.

It Don't Seem Like the Same Old Smile

Company Columbia Phonograph Company
Cylinder # 4090
Category Song
Title It Don't Seem Like the Same Old Smile
Performed by George J. Gaskin
Circa 1897
Announcement "Song entitled 'It Don't Seem Like the Same Old Smile', as sung by Mr. George J. Gaskin for the Columbia Phonograph Company of New York City."

A beautiful sentimental song sung by one of the top tenors of popular songs during the 1890's.

To hear It Don't Seem Like the Same Old Smile   —

To hear an excerpt   —  
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George J. Gaskin was also one of the most prolific – if not the most prolific – recording artists of the time; his name became practically a fixture in most record company catalog listings through most of the 1890's.

A major pioneering recording artist, Gaskin's first documented recordings were for Edison on June 2, 1891.   In fact, according to Edison recording engineer Theo Wangemann's logbook (reprinted in Allen Koenigsberg's, Edison Cylinder Records, 1889-1912), Gaskin may have been only the second vocalist to make commercial records for Edison (the first may have been former slave George W. Johnson, recorded just one day earlier, on June 1).   As a further illustration of this point, Columbia record catalogs as early as 1894 hailed Gaskin as "The Pioneer Phonograph Singer".

Gaskin's vocal characteristics seemed to mesh perfectly with early phonographic recording equipment.   That, plus his clear articulation and well-honed ability to convey depth and dynamics without recording too faintly or causing "blasting" distortion, gave his records a unique and pleasing quality.   Listen and see if you don't agree . . .


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