Press and Citations, etc. in the press and around the Net

"Ray Summers at Large"

Reporter Ray Summers and photographer Dale Birkholz visit to observe the early wax cylinder preservation work.   Aired on KOIN-TV 6 in Portland, Oregon.

To see the interview  —

To see a short preview with an insightful and useful observation by weatherman David Sweeney  —

For help with these clips, click here.

Provided courtesy of KOIN-TV 6.

"CD planned for old recordings" visits the University of Washington (Seattle) to preserve a set of native American field recordings.

To see the article  —  Click here


The alternative music songwriter, performer and personality Beck (Beck Hansen) is featured in an advertisement showing his list of favorite websites – topping the list is A representative of the ad agency said Beck is very interested in the historical aspect of music recording. Thanks, Beck!

To see the ad  —  Click here

Provided courtesy of


"The Cylinder Man"

Reporter visits the studio and learns about wax cylinders and their preservation. Aired on the ABC radio program Perspective.

To hear the interview  —

For help playing this sound, click here.

Provided courtesy of 1190 KEX/AM Radio.

"Music enthusiast turns passion into business"

Technology reporter visits the studio and sees how low-tech wax cylinder recordings are gently given high-tech treatment.

To see the article  —  Click here

Provided courtesy of The Business Journal.

 Correction notices

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