Cylinder of the Month

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From 1892, an early brown wax cylinder recording from the North American Phonograph Company era – Take Your Time, Gentlemen.

Take Your Time, Gentlemen

Company North American Phonograph Company
Cylinder # 233
Category Song
Title Take Your Time, Gentlemen
Performed by Press Eldridge
Circa 1892
Announcement "Edison record – Song – Take Your Time, Gentlemen, by William Jerome [?], rendered by Press Eldridge with pianoforte accompaniment."

When made in 1892, this particular record was probably copied from the master recording by means of a hollow rubber tube running between the master and copying phonograph. For a 'tube copy' recording, it is quite clear and, after a few listenings, the words to this pleasant ballad are fairly easily understood.

To hear Take Your Time, Gentlemen  —

To hear an excerpt   —  
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