An early Sophie Tucker recording from 1910, the Reuben Rag.
Reuben Rag
Company |
Edison's National Phonograph Company
Cylinder # |
Category |
Comic song
Title |
Reuben Rag
Performed by |
Sophie Tucker
Circa |
December 1910
Announcement |
Sophie Tucker (1884-1966) began her extraordinary recording career with six Edison
two-minute wax recordings in 1910 and 1911.
Hers was an enormous performance career:
She was one of only a very few two-minute wax cylinder recording artists to later
appear live on network television an over fifty-year career!
Click here to learn more about
Sophie Tucker's early performance days (courtesy of the Museum of the City of San Francisco).
To hear
Reuben Rag
To hear an excerpt
For help playing these sounds, click here.
To hear other examples of wax cylinders, see the
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