The unusual Street Piano Medley played by August Molinari.
Street Piano Medley
Company |
Edison's National Phonograph Company
Cylinder # |
Category |
Street scene
Title |
Street Piano Medley
Performed by |
August Molinari
Circa |
Announcement |
"Street Piano Medley played by August Molinari. Edison record."
An unusual offering; Molinari's only Edison recording.
It would be fascinating to learn how this was arranged:
Were there three street pianos queued and ready to go?
Or a single street piano with the three songs spliced together on a single roll?
Either way, how was Molinari able to get the music to start so perfectly on cue and on tempo?
The recording co-stars Billy Murray doing the voices of the piano-grinder and customer.
To hear
Street Piano Medley
To hear an excerpt
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