Cylinder of the Month

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From 1901, a wild spoof of the handiwork of Carrie Nation in Kansas by Steve Porter.

Carrie Nation in Kansas

Company Columbia Phonograph Company
Cylinder # 31577
Category Comic song
Title Carrie Nation in Kansas
Performed by Steve Porter
Circa August 1901
Announcement "Carrie Nation in Kansas, sung by Steve Porter for the Columbia Phonograph Company."
Steve C. Porter (photo, 'Edison Re-creations 1922')

With temperance figure Carrie A. Nation (1846-1911) prominent in 1900 newspapers for taking on illegal saloons in technically dry Kansas, the hatchet-wielding Nation was ripe for a bit of spoofing at the hands of recording artist Steve Porter on this late brown wax cylinder.

Carrie A. Nation (image courtesy
"I felt invincible.   My strength was that of a giant.   God was certainly standing by me.  
I smashed five saloons with rocks before I ever took a hatchet."   – Carrie Nation

The unorthodox and impressive (she stood 6' tall at 175lbs) Carrie – also spelled Carry – Nation's tactics landed her in jail on several occassions, but also brought the matter of prohibition to the forefront.

To hear Carrie Nation in Kansas   —

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