Soon after graduating from college, a classmate and I formed a consulting firm which frequently had us traveling into the World Trade Center towers, the 102 and 104th floors, on client business. As an Oregon-boy, I was struck by the simple beauty and clever design of the huge structures. Looking around while riding the high-speed escalators up from the subterranean trains, I often thought about the heavy concentration of skills and talent which poured itself into the WTC every day.

Watching the horror on September 11th as the 2nd tower collasped, through the saddness and shock, I heard in my mind beautiful orchestral strains, which I later recognized were from a wax cylinder recording of Lohengrin's Schwanlied (subsequently presented as the October Cylinder of the Month). That recording will forever remind me of the thousands of innocent and beautiful lives destroyed as if by a virulent tumor of Hatred, Immorality, and Depravity that had burst forth in our World-body. It has been a comfort to see us mobilize to eradicate this illness.

--Glenn Sage,